Eight of Cards reading. Meaning of The Tarot Cards guide book.

Eight of Swords meaning


#Eight of Swords reading.
Love: Confession, Discord, Insomnia, anxiety.
Work: Work accidents, blame in work.
Study: Someone suddenly came to the story.
Finance: Risk termination, temporary suspension.
Family: Going to court, accidents, Discord at home.

Eight of Pentacles reading.

#Eight of Pentacles reading.
Love: Working to save money for Lover.
Work: craftsmanship, home decorations. Work better, build stability.
Study: Craftsmanship, board decoration activities.
Finance: Investing in money, growing profits, finances are improving. 
Family: Sharing property or responsibility within a family, the building of family stability.

Eight of Cups reading.

#Eight of Cups reading.
Love: Leaving a lover's leave or staying away.
Work: Leaving work, not finding a job.
Study: Expelled from school, test score not reached.
Finance: No heirloom, lost property. 
Family: Traveling Out of Home, Losing Family.

Eight of Wands meaning.

#Eight of Wands reading.
Love: The development of a love story
Work: Job and business expansion, step up.
Study: Went on to study, grades improved.
Money: Financial opportunities are coming, Extension movement.
Family: Home extension, family stability.



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